Updated: October 14, 2021



Please find below a link to our ATS Report. This will be updated daily (M-F) at 8 a.m. Your server/site can crawl this report daily to receive a current ATS of all products.

FTP Settings

  • Host: ftp.mountainsportsdistribution.com
  • Port: 21
  • Username: reports@mountainsportsdistribution.com
  • Password: 6fq7dCerr50I
  • Target Directory: /Canada or /USA
  • File Names: ATS_CANADA.csv & ATS_USA

Notes on columns:

  • Column E (STANDARD_UNIT_PRICE) – This is Wholesale/Dealer (your price).
  • Column F (CUSTOM_PRICE_1) – This is Retail (MSRP).
  • Column G (CUSTOM_PRICE_12) – This is Wholesale/Dealer Closeout (your discounted price if applicable)

Other notes:

  • There are some products in here that MSD does not wholesale, but that are in our inventory; please just ignore these SKUs
  • For Canadian Report: Columns H-J will show you where the inventory is (Montreal, Golden, Kamloops respectively) and Column K is the total.
  • For the USA Report: Column I is the ATS